It has taken some time to get around to posting this because it is still close to impossible to believe that Steve will not be showing up on our doorstep again or that we'll never…
Riding In A Two Wheeled World…
It has taken some time to get around to posting this because it is still close to impossible to believe that Steve will not be showing up on our doorstep again or that we'll never…
An evening to share our memories of a life rich with love, happiness, humility and compassion. His drive to be the best brought out the best in all of us. Sunday, April 23, 2017 Cider…
Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Everything remains as it was. The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.…
[caption id="attachment_645" align="alignnone" width="1800"] The lead bunch above Hermanus during stage 1 of the 2017 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race. The event uses enough gravel roads for the promoters to stage an event…
[caption id="attachment_537" align="aligncenter" width="892"] Goodenough Road, Fillmore, CA. Photo by John Ker.[/caption] So stoked to be getting lots of rain so far this winter. The official On Two Wheel's rain gauge has gulped down two…
Recently spent some time camping at one of my favorite mountain biking destinations, Gooseberry Mesa just outside of Hurricane, Utah. The early November trip surpassed expectations with clear skies and weirdly mild temperatures. The vest,…
The Mountain Bike Hall of Fame yearly inductions have been held in conjunction with the Interbike bicycle trade show in Las Vegas in recent years. That changed in 2016. The ceremony moved to the Marin…
At the risk of being labeled a troll (having an opposing viewpoint these days is to be chastised into the dreaded “troll” category), I still have to pass this along. After posting the reasoning for…
Back in my good old Mountain Bike Action days, three riders (and sometimes only two) tested over 50 bikes a year. As soon as I’d cozy up to a bike, it was time to…
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