Category: Moto
Garmin InReach Mini Hack Can Save You $130 – UPDATED
UPDATED 3/12/24: I’ve been notified by Garmin tech experts that my hack doesn’t, can’t and won’t work. Even though the unit boots up fine, doesn’t throw an error code and sends messages, it is still…
20th Annual David Mann Chopper Fest Dodges Downpours For Epic Sunny Day Event – UPDATED
Updated - February 13, 2023: Learned today that a fight resulting in the stabbing of three individuals took place at the David Mann Chopper Fest about an hour after I had left the event. The…
“The Triumph Of Evel” Print Now On Sale
I've been a big fan of Josh Agle, stage named Shag (the last two letters of his first name and the first two of his second), for a long time. I have an original (The…
The Vicious Cycles Cover The Stones And Help Feed The Hungry
My favorite punk rock motorcycle band, The Vicious Cycles, just released a double 7” covering four Rolling Stones songs, sort of. One of the four, “I Just Want To Make Love To You” is a…
Merry Christmas
If you are having problems getting into the Christmas spirit, Jimmy Mac On Two Wheels would like to offer up The Night Before Christmas that first appeared in 1933. If this doesn't get you into…
Down/Up Designs A great Place For Last-Minute Christmas Shopping
Stumped about the perfect present for that motocrosser on your Christmas List? My suggestion is to hightail it to Down/Up Designs (click here). You’ll find the fun (yet very accurate) artwork of Curt Evans emblazoned…
British Motorcycle Enthusiasts Flood Hansen Dam
The Southern California Norton Club hosted their annual Hansen Dam British Motorcycle Rally on Sunday November 5th and the number of participants easily overflowed the dam's capacity. The event is unique because after fans walk…
Celebrating The Sounds And Smells Of The 25th 2-Stroke Extravaganza
Modern four-stroke motorcycles may rule the roost on the highways, racetracks and trails but for one day a year two-stroke-powered motorcycles throw their own party and ask the four strokers to park on the street.…