What kid doesn’t have the vivid memory of high-balling down the steepest neighborhood hill in a brakeless, top heavy, Radio Flyer Red Wagon? Those were the days (if you lived through them). Well, the same company that made your favorite form of transportation and stuffed-animal hauling (of course, they are still making the wagon) is now in the e-bike business.
Their Flyer e-bike line is not for youngsters. They are targeted towards grups (the word used for “grown ups” in the 1966 Star Trek episode titled, Miri, guest staring the late Michael J. Pollard). The company hopes to ship the bikes in October (but I wouldn’t hold my breath based on the supply chain issues being suffered in the e-bike and bicycle industries right now).
Their bikes appear to be well-constructed and outfitted. The prices are reasonable, and I suspect will increase, so if you are interested, locking in at the current price is a good idea.
Does the world need another e-bike brand? People a lot smarter than me believe so. Good luck to Radio Flyer. One thing you have going for you is name recognition.