The Super 73 by Lithium Cycles is a fully-funded Kickstarter project that the company says is “A powerful electric bike full of features. Go anywhere with 1000 watts of power, Californian design, and even a cup holder.” Not so fast, Lithium. The 1000-watt power plant prohibits the Super 73 from operation on California’s bike paths and equestrian, hiking and recreational trails (where the limit is 750 watts). It is considered a motorized vehicle in most states, restricting its use on non-motorized paths and trails. The tiny cranks and their forward position will poise a self-propelled challenge to propel the Super 73 should the battery juice out. Finally, based on their promotional video, it appears Lithium doesn’t think helmet use is necessary for their riders. Live fast, die young, I guess? Still, the retro design will trigger nostalgia in those who grew up on Briggs & Stratton-powered, steel-framed minibikes.