Usually our Running When Parked examples are rough or way, way overpriced. This Honda VF1100S Sabre V65 is neither. In fact, the bike has such a clean appearance, it is a wonder why the owner doesn’t take the time to get it running and move it out of the RWP’ed category.
This model isn’t designed as canyon carver. It is a dragster. Point it down the Main Street Drag Strip (you know what I’m talking about), light the fuse, hold on and hope you get a bro deal on rear tires. That, or use it as an overpowered commuter. It will be just as happy.
It has only been a RWP’ed for 12 months. That’s a short amount of time so getting it up and humming shouldn’t be huge task. That brings us to the price. The $2200 asking price is around $100 over Kelly Blue Book value for a sound-running Sabre. Get the price down $500 (cost of your time, a new battery and an oil and filter change) and both parties should be stoked.
The phrase “Running When Parked” (RWP) is code for a once treasured possession that has been neglected in the corner of the garage or tool shed for far too long. Lacking the energy, time or resources to bring the little beauty back to life, the owner lists it for sale in hopes that a new owner will massage it back to health. Our collection of RWP bikes fall into two distinct categories; treasure or trash. And you are the only one who can properly judge which category the bike belongs in.