Looking to pick up a little spare change? Why not grab this 1946 Moto Scoot delivery scooter? You could be the coolest pizza delivery business in your neighborhood. It was “Running When Parked” so it shouldn’t take too much effort to get it delivery ready, right? No, not right. This old workhorse needs a total rebuild from the frame out and replacement parts will not be easy to find even in this day and age of eBay. The best home for this neat little scooter will be somebody’s private collection.
The phrase “running when parked” (RWP) is code for a once treasured possession that has been neglected in the corner of the garage or tool shed for far too long. Lacking the energy, time or resources to bring the little beauty back to life, the owner lists it for sale in hopes that a new owner will massage it back to health. Our collection of RWP bikes fall into two distinct categories; treasure or trash. And you are the only one who can properly judge which category the bike belongs in.