This Running When Parked is unique because the owner removed the gearbox from a bike that “ran great when parked.” If it was running great, why did the owner disassemble the gearbox? Maybe it was running great, but I’ll bet it wasn’t shifting great. And it pays to read the ad carefully. The seller is “asking $2000” but the headline lists the price as $1500. The buyer already saved $500. Does that make it a good price? Nope. The bike is missing the battery, an exhaust pipe and probably a few thousand more bucks of parts. This bike is, at best, a parts bike for somebody who knows exactly what they are looking at and is well versed at selling parts on eBay.

The phrase “running when parked” (RWP) is code for a once treasured possession that has been neglected in the corner of the garage or tool shed for far too long. Lacking the energy, time or resources to bring the little beauty back to life, the owner lists it for sale in hopes that a new owner will massage it back to health. Our collection of RWP bikes fall into two distinct categories; treasure or trash. And you are the only one who can properly judge which category the bike belongs in.