This one certainly caught my eye. Somebody took a 1974 Harley-Davidson Sportster XLCH 1000 Iron Head and chopped and customized the heck out of it. I can’t even imagine the amount of blood, sweat and tears that went into creating this rolling (if you push it) piece of art. All that plus a Brink’s truck load of cash.
Unless you are a certified and well-experienced Harley-Davidson mechanic with a minor in motorcycle customization and fabrication, I would steer clear. There are too many mods to this bike. Most motorcycle shops are gonna pass on attempting to bring this back to life unless you give them a $5,000 advance.
The bike would make nice window dressing for your hipster clothing store or bar if you have a few hundred hours to buff it out and get all the chrome sparkling again. Click here to see if the bike is still up for grabs.

The phrase “Running When Parked” (RWP) is code for a once treasured possession that has been neglected in the corner of the garage or tool shed for far too long. Lacking the energy, time or resources to bring the little beauty back to life, the owner lists it for sale in hopes that a new owner will massage it back to health. Our collection of RWP bikes fall into two distinct categories; treasure or trash. And you are the only one who can properly judge which category the bike belongs in.